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    Beguiled and demoralized by all charms of pleasure of the moments so to be welcomed

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    The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection rejects pleasure.

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Serving the world through learning .

About Us

Dedicated to advanced teaching and learning

“Serving the world through

Denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born we will give you a complete account of the system expound actual teachings of the great explorer the truth the master builder indignation dislike men who are so beguiled.

  • Aenean sodales ante vitae turpis

  • Tempus augue eu ante congue porta id condimentum

  • Quisque at elit sed arcu blandit rhoncus

Reason for Choosing Educamb

Quality teaching & high achievement rates

Love to Educate

You learn better when we are together

  • Principal, Deccan College of Medical Sciences

    Dr. Ashfaq Hasan Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine

  • Chief Administrator, Deccan College of Medical Sciences and Allied Institutions

    Dr. Garoor Krishna Narayan Prasad

  • Managing Director, Deccan College of Medical Sciences and Allied Institutions

    Janab Akbaruddin Owaisi Member of the Legislative Assembly, Telangana

  • Chairman, Darussalam Educational Trust

    Barrister Asaduddin Owaisi Member of the Parliament, India

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