Faculty Details
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Faculty Details

Work Experience

  • Years of Experience: 20 years (Cardiology)


  • M.B.B.S :  Vijayanagar Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bellary, Karnataka.
  • M.D. :  (Paediatrics) Karnataka Institute Of Medical sciences, Hubli, Karnataka.
  • D.M. :  (Cardiology) Sri Jaya Deva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore Karnataka.


Awards & Achivements

  • 1. Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL)
    2. Indian Association Leprologists (IAL).


  • Mohammedhidayathulla,Nagesh,Efficacy and safety of paclitaxel drug elutingballoons in femoropopliteal  artery disease:a prospective observational study,Int J Res Med Sci.2021 Oct:9(10):3051-3056
  • Azhar Ali Syed,Mohammed Hidayathulla,Wajihia Sultana,Amina, A Study of the cardiovascular risk factor profile in patient with acute coronary syndrome,International journal Of Health and Clincal Research,2021:4(3):70-73
  • Azhar Ali Syed,Mohammed Hidayathulla,Wajihia Sultana,Amina, A Study of the cardiovascular risk factor profile in patient with acute coronary syndrome,International journal Of Health and Clincal Research,2021:4(3):70-73
  • Mohammed Hidayathulla,Azhar Ali Syed,Syeda Tasneem Kausar, A prospective study of benefits and risk of paclitaxel drug in the treatment of femoropoplital artery disease, European journal of Molecular And Clinical Medicine ,2020:7(9):3588-3597.
  • Parvaiz Kadloor, Mohammed Hidayathulla, Abhishek Golla, Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome as a risk factor for Mortality.IJRMS January 2020 Volume 10.