
A scion of a religious and scholarly family of the Deccan an erudite Islamic Scholar a veritable devotee of the Rasool (SAS)


A scion of a religious and scholarly family of the Deccan an erudite Islamic Scholar a veritable devotee of the Rasool (SAS), a legal luminary, a spell – binding orator, a far-sighted leader, a true picture of humane-ness and selfless service, a solid rock of courage and determination and a bed-rock of firm resolve and confidence. That was the late Fakhr-E- Millath Hazrath Maulana Abdul Wahed Owaisi. He was instrumental in instilling confidence and courage among the embittered and helpless Muslims following the integration of Hyderabad State with Indian union in 1948. He taught them as to how to live with courage. In 1957, through the revival of the Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen, he brought the Muslims together under a single banner based on Kalema Tayyaba.

The late Fakhr-E-Millath spent 11 months in solitary confinement for being forthright and truthful. But never compromised with the government of the day He awakened among the Muslims awareness about education, politics and economy. Through his acumen and efforts the Majlis-E-It- ehadul Muslimeen achieved the status of a political force and a voice. After a prolonged legal battle le successfully wrested the control of Dar-Us-Salam and turned it into a center for Muslims.

Hazrath Maulana Abdul Wahed Owaisi had a dream: advancement of Muslims in every walk of life: political, education and economics. This dream was fulfilled by his eminent son and a man with vision and conviction, Salar-E- Millath Alhaj Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi, Member of Parliament and president of Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen. His unrelenting efforts have made the Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen a voice resonated and a force to reckon with from Municipal Corporation to the State Assembly to the National Parliament. Spread all over the city are the institutions imparting education in professional and modern fields of study under Dar Us Salam Educational Trust. To uplift the Muslims economically was established Dar.Us-Salam Urban Co-operative Bank, which has achieved new heights of excellence,

Asia’s Biggest and multi-speciality Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre in a seven storied building with state of art equipment fulfills the dreams of Fakhr-E-Millath. The dream having been put into reality, the hospital is dedicated to Late Fakhr-E-Millath Hazrath Maulana Abdul Wahed Owaink

Deccan College of Medical Sciences